Patients boast value and benefits of light therapy treatments | Wellness, Light Tech, Skin Rejuvenation


Jeff is sick, weak, tired and depressed. After contracting COVID-19, his symptoms persisted. He couldn’t even walk 20 feet to sit down and catch his breath.
“It was horrible,” Jeff said. “It left me with lung problems and very severe depression. That’s when Laura called and told me to come and try treatment. I couldn’t believe how much it changed my life.”
“My depression was like day and night,” Jeff said.”I have more energy. All I can say is, I lay there for 20 minutes and felt so much better.”
The machine, called the Light Pod, uses red light and near-infrared laser therapy to improve overall health, according to the manufacturer’s website.

Laura is the owner of The Wellness Center, which has one in Huntsville and recently opened another in South Ogden. She said the therapy worked so well for her that she wanted to share it with others.
The therapy uses low-wavelength red light, which has a biochemical effect on human cells, which in turn helps reduce inflammation and pain in the body.The website notes that the therapy can even have a positive effect on anxiety and depression.

Warburton’s journey to the health center began when she was diagnosed with end-stage hydrocephalus, a condition in which fluid builds up in the deep cavities of the brain.This situation is the result of an accident she suffered many years ago.
“The main symptoms are dementia, incontinence, unsteady walking and extreme fatigue,” she said.”Over the past five years, I’ve learned to take it and do the best I can. I’ve had two brain surgeries. I’ve had a shunt and it solved most of my symptoms, but most of the time I still feel Tired and dizzy.”
Warburton did everything she could think of—she even moved to Mexico for a while to get closer to sea level, but missing her family brought her back to Utah.
“Around the same time, a Facebook ad came to my attention. It’s a center that helps people with concussions,” she said.”I want to know more to help others, not necessarily myself.”
Huntsville resident Warburton said she learned more about full-body pods and took free classes.
“I was blown away,” she said.”I’m full of energy—enough to get rid of La-Z-Boy and start two companies. My brain is doing better. I’m also calmer. My arthritis is gone.”

According to the Cleveland Clinic, red light therapy is growing and showing promise in several areas of medicine, including treating acne, scars, skin cancer and other conditions.However, the clinic says full effectiveness for some conditions has not been established and to date there is no scientific evidence to support weight loss or cellulite removal.

She said Warburton started her first business from home and it was thriving.That’s when she decided to open a second location in South Ogden this June.
“We don’t claim to cure anything, and we don’t diagnose,” she said.”There is no doubt that the pods reduce inflammation. Inflammation causes pain. There are other whole-body pods available, Weber County does not. However, only one pod is programmable to deliver frequency pulses into the body. The MERICAN M6N pod. In short, everything is energy, and when it is measured, it is called frequency.”
Warburton added that when they pulsed frequencies through the beneficial four spectrums, the process was similar to light acupuncture.
“This reaches literally every cell in your body, stimulating them to perform at their greatest and best use,” Warburton said.
Jason Smith, a chiropractor with a master’s degree in clinical neuroscience practicing at Bountiful, said he has used laser therapy for over 15 years.He said light therapy could help speed up cell division, allowing people to recover faster.
“There are thousands of research papers on this topic,” he said.”Light therapy can help with everything from post-operative recovery, wound healing, concussions and acne. It’s been shown to improve brain function and reduce pain. I’ve used it myself and feel more energized and creative. This listen It seems like a panacea, but it does make the body function better.”
The only paradox of using pods, Warburton said, is those who are receiving immunosuppressive therapy for cancer or other diseases.
“Pods can boost your immune system, so we would never allow cancer patients without written doctor approval,” she said.”There are interesting studies on Google Scholar for every possible disease. Just look up ‘photobiomodulation’ and plug in the disease to read many peer-reviewed studies.” also notes that while more research is needed, red light therapy may help with toothache, hair loss, dementia, osteoarthritis, and tendonitis.
The pods look similar to tanning beds.Once inside, the machine is programmed to deliver different levels of light pulses depending on the reason for use.The maximum time for each session is 15 to 20 minutes.The first meeting is always free.After that, the discounted package price for six lessons is $275.The fee to attend the meeting is $65.
“When I first got out of the pod, I didn’t have any pain. I was relieved for a long time,” she said.”I’ve gone back a few times, and when I’m done, the pain is usually gone. It’s very relaxing and definitely has other benefits. I feel more energized and have a clearer mind.”
Guthrie said he was so pleased with the results that he sent dozens of people to try it out for themselves.
“I was asked if it was snake oil,” he said.”Well, if it’s snake oil, it would definitely work for me.”

If interesting in more knowledge about light pod, visit for more.


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