Types of Red Light Therapy Beds


There are a lot of different quality and price ranges for red light therapy beds on the market. They are not considered medical devices and anyone may purchase them for commercial or home use.

Medical Grade Beds: Medical-grade red light therapy beds are the preferred option for improving skin health. They are typically found at medical spas, day spas and other wellness centers. The cost per session is usually $100 to $150. They may also be purchased at home if you have the space and budget. Professional-grade beds can cost anywhere from $80,000 to $140,000.

Non-Medical Grade Beds: You can purchase a non-FDA-approved bed for as little as $5,000. However, it may not offer the same benefits as a professional-grade product and may be detrimental to your skin. If you have the space and the budget, you can purchase a professional-grade bed for your own home. These beds can cost anywhere from $80,000 to $140,000.

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